This is a private workshop, it can either be a home visit or you can come to The Soul Spa in Bath. In this session there will be three of us - me, your birthing partner and you. I will be teaching your birthing partner how to give reflexology to you to help prepare your body for birth. This workshop is open to those 38 weeks pregnant.

I am qualified in maternity reflexology and have been trained by Sally Earlam, one of the leading maternity reflexologists in the UK.

This sequence will help stimulate contractions, this can be very helpful if contractions slow down during active labour, or when delivering the placenta - you can help kick start them again! The sequence will also help calm, focus and boost energy. You will have a detailed guide of the sequence to keep and a pot of songbird wax too.

The workshop lasts an hour and prior to the session we’ll discuss your health history and what you’d like to get from the session.

To learn more or to book, please use my contact form. I look forward to chatting!